Need a (virtual) speaker, moderator, or commentator?

Let’s discuss if I’m the right fit; if not, I will be delighted to recommend other experts.


TEDxMcMinnville, January 2020

TED@NYC, July 2014

Guest on Work.Shouldn’t.Suck, March 2020

We The Economy: Supply Chain Reaction, October 2014

The Agenda with Steve Paikin, September 2017

Michigan Ross Positive Business Conference, May 2015

TEDxHunterCCS, September 2011

SXSW Eco, October 2014



"Even virtually, Christine managed to keep our students and university leadership engaged with her powerful storytelling and thoughtful messages. Not many people can convey empathy and humor so well through Zoom, but she did so! She was the perfect keynote for Global Ethics Day 2020, and I know that students and faculty alike will be following up with her." —Gayatree Sarma, Visiting Assistant Professor, Linfield University School of Business

"Christine is a naturally skilled moderator; she facilitated the plenary panel at our 2014 annual symposium for 400 corporate executives, and ensured an interactive, lively, and insightful conversation for a full 90 minutes. She was a pleasure to work with leading up to the event, making sure that all of our speakers were comfortable and on the same page. We would gladly have her back again!" —Margaret O’Gorman, President, Wildlife Habitat Council

"Christine has a talent for making her personal experience compelling and relevant to her audience, with exactly the right mix of humor and challenge. Christine radiates a pragmatic optimism that inspires an audience to take action.” —Stuart DeCew, Program Director, Yale Center for Business and the Environment

"Christine was the opening keynote for our annual conference Responsible Electronics 2014, which is our biggest event of the year for our 100 member companies and colleagues from government, civil society and other stakeholder groups. During her address to our 230 plus attendees, I didn't see a single person check their device for the full hour she was speaking — no small feat in a room full of people from electronics companies! Christine set the tone for an engaging, impactful conference. We would recommend her without reservation to others looking for an inspiring, dynamic speaker." —Julie Schindall, former Director of Communications & Stakeholder Engagement, Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition

"We have never received as much proactive, positive feedback from a speech as we did from Christine's at our 2014 CSR Awards. The 1000 business and government leaders were captivated by her story; she has important experiences and messages, and a wonderful way of delivering them." —Maria Bøge, Director, CSR Fonden

"Christine is a fantastic speaker -- clear, concise, informative and with an engaging sense of humor. Christine is also one of those rare moderators who knows how to make a panel discussion a fascinating conversation, not a tedious slog through serial monologues." —Ebele Okobi, former Global Head & Senior Legal Director, Human Rights, Yahoo!

"Christine moderated a featured panel at our 2014 conference, and a number of attendees remarked that it was their favorite session, in part because of her engaging facilitation. Christine is a leader in our field and a role model to all of us. We'll definitely have her back next year!" —Kathara Green, Net Impact

"Christine moderated a panel at the United Nations on the post-2015 development agenda. She managed the considerable protocols of the U.N. with grace, and fostered a constructive dialogue that served the forum extremely well. We would be very keen to have her back." —Ajit Yogasundram, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations

“Christine’s talk at the ISSP Conference was one of my personal highlights. She wasn’t afraid to put her reputation and integrity on the line and yet she managed to be both modest and professional. She is an inspiring speaker.” —Julian Crawford, President, International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP)

"Christine delivered the closing keynote at our 2014 Annual Ethical Leadership Conference, for more than 160 attendees from the corporate and nonprofit sectors. She was a powerhouse speaker, and made a tremendous impression on all of us." —Margaret Della, Institute for Ethical Leadership, Rutgers Business School

"Christine was a featured speaker at SXSW Eco 2014. She packed the room and held everyone rapt for the full hour. We received terrific feedback and would love to have her back." —Chris Sonnier, Founder & Program Manager, SXSW Eco

"Christine moderated a panel on 'intrapreneurship' at our 2014 annual conference in San Diego, which 2,000 corporate practitioners attended from all over the world. Christine was able to ask incisive questions and keep the conversation flowing. We are already trying to work out when she can speak at another event for us!" —Dimitar Vlahov, Director of Content Development, Sustainable Brands

"Christine is a compelling speaker with an amazing story that can inform and inspire, and will definitely generate conversation for the hours, weeks, and months to come." —Dan Zook, Dalberg Global Development Advisors

"I have had Christine moderate sessions that we knew would be difficult; and as hoped and expected, she was able to put participants at ease and create the space for a productive conversation." —Ursula Wynhoven, General Counsel and Chief, Governance and Social Sustainability, United Nations Global Compact

"Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP) had the good fortune of hosting Christine for a discussion of her book in New York City this summer. An energetic and thoughtful storyteller, Christine is able to captivate any audience, and YPFP would enthusiastically recommend her for any future speaking engagements!" —Kristin M. Lewis, Director of Programming, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy - New York

"Christine opened the 2014 CECP Summit, and she was the perfect choice: polished but personal, informed and inspiring. She set a strong tone for our audience of 250 leaders in corporate citizenship and philanthropy, and provided a perfect set-up for our event theme, “What Counts”. We would definitely recommend Christine as a speaker to others!” —Courtney Murphy, Director, Strategic Engagement, CECP